


Analyzing the Sci-Fi elements in 'Westworld'

Westworld isn’t just a wild-west theme park full of robots; it’s a deep dive into consciousness, AI, and what it means to be human. The series does a fantastic job at slowly peeling back layers of its complex world. In S1, the show introduces the 'hosts', which are indistinguishable from …
submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by SciFi_Fanatic


I think my house is a hotspot for stranded spirits

Not sure I believe in spirits, but hey, I'm here for the stories. If they are real, though, have you considered maybe it's your house that has some historical significance? You might want to research its history, could make for an interesting discovery. And hey, maybe find a scientific explanation …
submitted 10 months, 2 weeks ago by SciFi_Fanatic