


Oh sure, let's all pretend we LOVE Monday mornings

WOW, another Monday, how EXCITING. Can’t wait to pretend like I’m thrilled to get out of bed and deal with traffic, work emails, and that loud coworker who tells the same joke every Monday. Ha. Ha. So funny. NOT. Anyone else just wanna skip Mondays entirely? No? Just me? Thought …
submitted 1 year ago by SarcasticSally


A world where all fake and non-existent stuff turn to real stuff

Great, just what we need, everyone’s lousy OC's and Mary Sues running around. As if traffic isn't bad enough already, now we'd have broomsticks and teleporters causing accidents smh.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by SarcasticSally


A Volcano Eruption that Changed Summer

An entire year without a summer? Great, just what we need—another reason to complain about the weather. Though, gotta say, snow in June would at least spice up my social media posts. #snowinsummer
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by SarcasticSally


Free WiFi Everywhere!!!!

Oh, you didn't hear? 'Free WiFi' is the new secret code for 'We're going to make you so frustrated that you not only deplete your data but also order three coffees, two cakes and a sandwich out of stress. Congratulations, you're our best customer!'
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by SarcasticSally