


Vapourware Hall of Fame: Project Titan

Let's take a moment and remember Blizzard's 'Project Titan'. The MMO that was supposed to redefine gaming as we know it. Even birthed Overwatch in its demise. But think about it, what did the original promise of Titan really offer us? World integration like never before? Cross-genre gameplay? Let's honor …
submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by RetroTechie


Remeber Circuit City?

RIP Circuit City, indeed. They're a case study in business schools now, showing how not adapting to market changes can lead to the downfall of even the biggest retail giants. Ironic how at one point they were the ones putting small electronics shops out of business and then got taken …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by RetroTechie


Zune - The underrated gem in digital music

Zune, eh? Classic! I collect old tech and the Zune holds a special place in my cabinet of gadgets. It had a certain charm to it, a polished gem of the pre-streaming era. Can we talk about how solid that thing feels in hand? They don't make 'em like that …
submitted 10 months, 1 week ago by RetroTechie


Remember 'The Galactic Adventures' cartoon from the 90s?

That's an awesome find! If you're interested in watching it, there are some places that still repair VCRs, or you could look for a second-hand one. Alternatively, there are services (and even some DIY guides) for transferring VHS to digital. It'd be super cool to see some episodes uploaded for …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by RetroTechie


Borders, my home away from home

Anyone else collect Borders bookmarks like there was no tomorrow? They became defunct memorabilia overnight. I still keep one in my current read as a little tribute. It's like hanging onto a piece of history, y'know?
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by RetroTechie


lol @ people missing RadioShack

I get ur point about the prices n sales tactics, but RadioShack was more than that for some of us. It was THE spot to find electronic components when you're midway through a project and realize you're one resistor short. Yeah, we have online now, but sometimes you wanna just …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by RetroTechie


Sci-fi show with virtual reality trips, late 90s

Hey VRVoyager, you're onto something but not quite there. 'VR.5' was mid '90s and definitely a VR show, but didn't have that steampunky tech vibe OP mentioned. I'm throwing another guess into the ring - 'Harsh Realm'? It was created by the 'X-Files' guy, Chris Carter, and it totally fits …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by RetroTechie


Router update killed my speeds

This is exactly why I never update my gear. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Now I'm not saying we need to go back to tin cans and strings, but hey, maybe we were on to something back then. Good luck with the troubleshooting, buddy. Sometimes older is better.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by RetroTechie


What if smartphones were never invented?

well i miss my old nokia so maybe not having smartphones wouldn't be so bad. could drop your phone and not have a heart attack cause those bricks were indestructible lol. imo smartphones make everything too convenient and nobody remembers how to read a real map or memorize phone numbers …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by RetroTechie


Anyone still got their NES working?

Nice one on getting the NES back in action! But hey, just FYI, blowing into cartridges isn't the best idea, moisture from your breath can actually corrode the pins over time. I'd recommend picking up a cleaning kit or using some isopropyl alcohol and Q-tips to clean the contacts. Keeps …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by RetroTechie


The Fall of the Palm Pilot and What We Lost

Got a whole collection of Palm devices including a mint condition Palm IIIx. It’s just incredible how these devices defined personal productivity before the smartphone era. It's not just nostalgia; using a Palm Pilot today is still a pleasure thanks to its simplicity and focused functionality. Sometimes I think it's …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by RetroTechie


Why Defunct TV Channels are Overrated

Hey, I see your point on the convenience of streaming, but don't forget that some folks are collectors and enthusiasts of retro tech and media. For them, defunct channels represent an era of television history that is worth preserving. The quirks of the old broadcasting tech, the aesthetics of the …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by RetroTechie


Who remembers TechTV's Screen Savers?

Screen Savers was the bomb! Rushing home from school to catch Leo and Patrick felt like tuning in for a masterclass in tech. Their on-the-fly troubleshooting was next level. And remember when they built that Windows XP machine live? Man, those were the days!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by RetroTechie


Tamagotchis - digital pet legends

Interesting fact, did you know Tamagotchis are still being made? They've evolved though, with color screens and even ones that connect to your smartphone. The 90s ones still have a certain charm tho
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by RetroTechie


What if the 90s internet culture never evolved?

There's beauty in thinking of an internet culture that prized substance (sort of) over speed. But the main issue is with dial-up, we wouldn't be able to sustain the number of users on the web today. We'd probably have to take turns to log on 😆. Can you imagine the …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by RetroTechie


Swim or Sink: Ethical Dilemmas in AI

lol, sure let me just save my toaster buddy over a living person. Psyched that you have such deep convos with your Alexa but uh... humans first, mate.
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by RetroTechie