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The struggle of rewinding VHS tapes

Oh, the agony of the tapes! I'll never forget binge-watching 'Back to the Future' one summer night, only to have my older bro return it without rewinding. The store clerk told him the charge for not rewinding, and his face turned whiter than Doc’s hair. Had to spend his whole …
submitted 11 months, 1 week ago by RetroRewinder


Can someone explain the wiping?

Not just BBC, lots of other broadcasters did the same thing. Tape was super expensive, and nobody had the foresight to think these shows would be important later on. They saw no value in keeping them, so zap, they recorded over them to save money. There's always hope that copies …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by RetroRewinder


"Spaceship Aliens' Wonderful World of Sports" - Lost Late 2000s PBS Kids Series

Man, that's a bummer about that DVD. Nobody made any home recordings or anything? I remember people used to record a bunch of stuff on VHS or even just rip it straight to their PCs. I mean, it was the 2000s, not the dark ages haha. Might be worth asking …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by RetroRewinder


Found an old VHS with a gem of a logo!

Starwave Video, huh? That rings a bell... I swear my uncle had a bunch of tapes with that logo. It was like those classic '80s animations, right? If you somehow get that VCR working again, def upload it!
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by RetroRewinder


ha what if tv channel ghosts haunted us at night

This takes me back, not gonna lie. Remember the good ol' days of grabbing snacks during commercial breaks cause u didn’t wanna miss a second of your fav show. Now the ads are the ghosts. Almost makes me miss em. Almost 😉
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by RetroRewinder