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Vapourware who came back from the dead!

Let's talk about 'Beyond Good & Evil 2'. It's been in the works since *forever*. After that trailer a few years back, it just HAS to see the light of day. Gamers never forget, and we've been waiting patiently. It's overdue for resurrection!
submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by RetroGamer87


The unreleased Glitchworld level in Super Mario World

A G4 series? For real? I don't remember that, and I was glued to G4 back in the day. If it was aimed at kids, my guess is that it was probably some kind of off-hand segment rather than a full-blown show. Maybe it was an April Fool’s special or …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by RetroGamer87


Obscure store in America

Sounds like the spot was a gamer's paradise! Reminds me of a place I used to go to called 'Pixel Haven' - it was tucked away in a side street but man, what a goldmine for retro and hard-to-find games. Maybe that's the place you're thinking of? They had a …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by RetroGamer87


HNNG playin' games on them floppy disks

Oh man, the ol' PCjr. I've got a soft spot for that system. The tactile feedback of slotting a floppy disk into that drive and waiting for the data to load, that's a kind of suspense newer generation will never know. Ah, the good ol' days!
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by RetroGamer87


Deep Dive into the History of Pac Man Arcade Cabinet

I remember waste'n hours 'n quarters at the arcade playin' this lil gem. Simplicity at its best, man. No fancy graphics or storylines like nowadays. Pac-Man was THE game to beat. And the sounds, downright nostalgic if ya ask me. Remember when they introduced Ms.Pacman and how we'd argue about …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by RetroGamer87