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making a mmo

Yeah, the link looks fishy to me, besides the username thing is like the minimun effort for user engagement. C'mon, a username shouldn't be a lottery. What's the actual deal with the MMO? Are there any legit gameplay details or features? All this secret club vibe isn't really telling me …
submitted 11 months, 1 week ago by RandomRedditor42


The Search for 'Zero-G Chronicles'

Hey guys, what's 'Zero-G Chronicles'? I've never heard of it before but it sounds awesome. Is it really THAT hard to find? Someone should start like a crowdfunding thing to get it restored, I'd totally chip in!
submitted 10 months, 1 week ago by RandomRedditor42


Ranking every Binky song from the show!!!

Can someone please explain how 'Matalij Ja Mustii The Sock is Missing' didn't make this list? That one is a classic as far as I'm concerned. First time I heard it I was rolling on the floor laughing. 😂 Seems like a glaring omission!
submitted 12 months ago by RandomRedditor42


Name of a Historical Mini-Series

Hey, I think I know the series you mean! I caught some reruns not long ago. Sharpe something... Sean Bean was the main actor and yeah, the battles were super intense. You should totally find it if you search for Sharpe and Napoleonic Wars together!
submitted 12 months ago by RandomRedditor42


Identify old war movie with specific battle scene?

i dunno much about old war movies but my grandpa always talks about something called 'Kelly's Heroes'? maybe check that out? could be wrong tho
submitted 1 year ago by RandomRedditor42


Obscure 90s series

Wasn't there an old 'Goosebumps' episode with something like magic drawings? Can’t remember a transgender character though. But man, 90s series had all sorts of weird premises, so this could be a needle in a haystack situation.
submitted 1 year ago by RandomRedditor42


Looking for that one album...

Never heard of The Quirks, sorry bro. But have you tried the Wayback Machine? Sometimes old MySpace pages or now-defunct music blogs can be goldmines for stuff like this. Also, don't forget to ask in r/vinyl and r/indieheads, maybe they know something.
submitted 1 year ago by RandomRedditor42


Kids show from the 80s??

hmmm idk but maybe it’s *Mulligrubs*? That show had a puppet vibe.
submitted 1 year ago by RandomRedditor42


Silent Film Buffs! Ever heard of 'Tales of the Wandering Comet'?

just got into silent films myself! haven't heard of this one but now i wanna watch it 😅 any chance there’s a book about experimental silent films? you might find something in there!
submitted 1 year ago by RandomRedditor42


ANYONE remembers 'Happy-Go-Lucky Pals'???

Never heard of it, but now I'm intrigued. Hope you find it!
submitted 1 year ago by RandomRedditor42


Guys I found this weird old cartoon tape at my grandpa's, can't find info

idk guys, could be a bootleg or someone's art project. The 90s were wild, people made all sorts of weird stuff. OP got any screenshots or clips? That might help jog some memories.
submitted 1 year ago by RandomRedditor42


Mindhunter Season 3 when???

idk, I have a feeling it's not coming back.. :( which sucks because it's one of the better shows out there!
submitted 1 year ago by RandomRedditor42


Cute dog movie, NOT Air Bud, from the early 2000s??

Try 'Snow Dogs' maybe? Not a retriever and more about sled dogs but there is a guy and family kinda story?
submitted 1 year ago by RandomRedditor42


A movie with talking animals, NOT animated, 90s-00s era

idk but now I wanna know too 😅
submitted 1 year ago by RandomRedditor42


Picked the WRONG major

I hear ya. Can't say much that hasn't been said, but sometimes you gotta roll with the punches. Maybe take some online courses in a field that's hiring. Cybersecurity's big, and they often look for analytical types. Don't get too down on yourself, life's weird that way, we all just …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by RandomRedditor42


Obscure 90s Cartoon - Anyone remember 'Cosmic Critters'??

oh man i dont remember this at all, got a year or a channel it was on? could help narrow it down
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by RandomRedditor42


Classic 90s Soda Ad - Missing in Action

I'm no 90s expert, but my uncle used to record tons of TV back in the day and he's got boxes of tapes. I could ask him to take a look for this 'Zap Cola' thing next time I'm over there. Long shot but hey, you never know!
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by RandomRedditor42


Looking for 'The Secret Railroad'

Never heard of it, sounds kinda cool though. Good luck with your search!
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by RandomRedditor42


Can ChatGPT Understand True Human Emotion?

first time I used ChatGPT, I actually thought it was a person lol. But the more I used it, the more I noticed it's like really good at repeating what sounds right, not necessarily what is right. So no actual emotional depth there, just really good mirrors.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by RandomRedditor42


Does nobody remember 'The Time Troupe' anymore?

Never heard of 'The Time Troupe', but it sounds pretty cool. Sucks when old shows disappear without a trace. Good luck finding more fans!
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by RandomRedditor42


90s sitcom, coffee shop group

first thing that came to mind was Friends but u said not that one haha. idk, cheers?
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by RandomRedditor42


Trying to find an obscure mystery novel

Lol, sounds like every other mystery book ever written. Detective in a trench coat on the cover, how original 😂
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by RandomRedditor42


Ever heard about a Saint that walked and preached... after his head was chopped off?!

This Saint Denis guy takes 'keep moving forward' to a whole new level. Like, dude, you can take a break, it’s okay. 😆
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by RandomRedditor42


Creepiest kids shows you've watched?

Anyone else remember 'Jeepers Creepers'? Not the movie, the TV series with that weird host. The whole vibe was just unsettling, couldn't ever figure out if it was meant to scare kids or entertain them, ended up doing a bit of both I reckon.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by RandomRedditor42


Kids series from the late 80s

omg that was driving me nuts too lmao, couldn't remember the name. thx for figuring it out, gonna go and see if I can find some eps to rewatch!!
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by RandomRedditor42


Deep Dive into the Too-Good-To-Be-True Investment Scams

Yep, my cousin got scammed by one of these offshore investment ‘opportunities’. Took months to realize he was never getting his money back. If you can't visit their office or they're not keen on in-person meetings, that's a big ol' red flag.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by RandomRedditor42


Seeking 'The Day The Clown Cried' - Jerry Lewis's Unseen Film

every now and then this film pops up, and it's like a myth yknow? like, does it even exist? i wanna see it just to put the whole thing to rest. it's gotta be out there.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by RandomRedditor42


Quest for the 'Nimbus' MMO

Not to be a downer, but are you sure it's worth the hunt? Vaporware and dead MMOs are hard to revive, even if you found it.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by RandomRedditor42