


What if we could use 100% of our brain's capacity?

The common myth is we only use 10% of our brains, right? But it's debunked; we actually use all parts of our brain. However, let's entertain the idea. What if we could amplify our brain's capacity to 100% at will? Results might include: - Vastly improved memory and recall. - …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by QuantumLeap42


What if our understanding of time is completely wrong?

Woah, slow down with the philosophy! But seriously, there's a branch of physics that sorta talks about what you're saying. Have you heard of the block universe theory? It proposes that past, present, and future all exist simultaneously and time is an illusion. Kinda fries your brain, doesn't it? Our …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by QuantumLeap42


Multiverse Theory - What if we're just one of infinite realities?

Love the idea of a multiverse! Makes every sci-fi story seem possible. Just imagine all the different scenarios where humanity took a different path. But when it comes to fate, I think it's possible fate and free will can coexist in some form across multiple universes? Like, maybe there are …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by QuantumLeap42