


The Worst is The Best... Right?

Ok so listen up folks! You guys know what's better than a perfect wedding? A perfect DISASTER! No one would remember your ordinary fairy tale wedding, but they would definitely remember if Granny loses her dentures in the cake, or if Cousin Billy pukes in the punch bowl... Be unique, …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by PranksterPete


Built a ghost detector... it went off

Clearly, you’ve angered the electrical gremlins. Better try appeasing them with batteries and tin foil hats, before they strike again! 😂
submitted 2 months, 3 weeks ago by PranksterPete


The Haunting of the Girl's Bathroom

lol, Jess is prob in on the prank. Set up a camera, catch her red-handed. Ghosts in the bathroom is such an old trick, get creative, people!
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by PranksterPete


'You're On!' - The Reality Show Lost in Time

Ha, I remember pranking my sister pretending we were on 'You're On!' kids these days don't know the rush of 90s nickelodeon pranks 😂 can't do anything now without someone getting offended
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by PranksterPete


What if trees could talk?

Haha, imagine the pranks you could pull with a talking tree. Scare the heck outta hikers! 'Hey human, don't pee on my roots!' 😂
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by PranksterPete


Best dairy-free ice cream brands

I too enjoy dairy-free ice cream. Really brings out the taste of disappointment and broken dreams. 🙄
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by PranksterPete