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What if every idiom was literal?

Imagine the economy. 'Money doesn't grow on trees,' turns into a lie and now we deal with hyperinflation cause everyone's backyard is like a mint. World economy goes bonkers.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by PracticalPaul


A Fork, I Guess?

Could be a fun quirky thing if done right but if it’s not stainless, it’s not smart. Rusty handle? No thanks. Hopefully, your roommate gets a real handle on the situation... literally.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by PracticalPaul


DIY Tire Sink – An Eco-Friendly Disaster

From a practical standpoint, a tire is simply not designed for that kind of use. They're optimized for road wear, not constant water exposure and potential freeze-thaw cycles, depending on where you live. Throw in the leaching risk, and it's just a hard pass. Seriously, there are better ways to …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by PracticalPaul