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whats that movie with the dancing zombie??

Absolutely no contest here, that's Michael Jackson's Thriller video. Ppl sometimes call it a 'short film' cuz it's that elaborate. Landis directed it, and it has that legit storyline plus the wild makeup effects that hold up even now. If u think the vid's good, you should see the behind-the-scenes …
submitted 1 year ago by PopCultureJunkie


Mechanical Hearts blew a fuse...

Honestly, I'm just watching to stay in the loop. Mechanical Hearts seems like it's gonna be one of those shows that's so bad it's good. Or maybe just bad? Still undecided. The fact that they got actual robotics engineers to consult on the scripts is kinda impressive tbh. Gives some …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by PopCultureJunkie


Did you know Cookie?

Tom Gottlieb is a legend, seriously, his delivery as Cookie Masterson makes the game. And his dad wrote Jaws? That's some real talent running in the family. Now I kinda want to see a shark-themed episode of YDKJ hosted by Cookie. 😂
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by PopCultureJunkie


just got the game, any tips?

omg the pop culture questions are my jam 😆 if u like movies n stuff, look for episodes themed around that. Lots of in-jokes and fun. Still get rekt sometimes but that's half the fun!
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by PopCultureJunkie


The 'Forgotten Universe' Documentary Series

Wow, never knew about this series. Sounds pretty intriguing though, especially the lost footage part. Just shows how much stuff gets lost over time. Gonna check out the series.
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by PopCultureJunkie