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Ugh, kids today will never understand good TV

There's much to be said about 'Grit and Grime'. Unlike today's serials, every episode was a self-contained narrative. You can't beat the combination of gritty realism and that '70s flair. It defined a genre.
submitted 1 year ago by OldSchoolCool


Looking for that one platformer game from the '90s

Sounds like *Secret Agent* to me. You got this dude in a trench coat and fedora (kinda looks like a cap maybe?), and you definitely had to gather keys to unlock doors. Potions? I seem to recall there might've been something like that too.
submitted 1 year ago by OldSchoolCool


Everything was better when we were kids

Dude, Surge soda was the BEST. I heard they tried bringing it back a while ago? Missed it though. Things felt simpler back then, didn't they? Saturday mornings with cartoons, no social media stress... Good times.
submitted 11 months ago by OldSchoolCool


Why bother with Super Why?

I get what you're saying, but not all screen time is created equal. Some of it can actually be educational. And not every kid takes to books the same way. Shows like this can help bridge that gap.
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by OldSchoolCool


The story behind Borders Books demise

They did have a great selection but it's about adapt or die in business. Borders had all the tools to stay relevant but made some REALLY bad calls. It's like in those horror movies where the guy hears a noise and instead of running out the house he goes to …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by OldSchoolCool


Blockbuster's demise: A Netflix story

Everything's so digital now it feels soulless. Blockbuster had soul. Kids today with their face in phones, missing out big time.
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by OldSchoolCool


Your startup will fail without this...

Neat idea with the paper airplane, brings back memories. But AR games are dime a dozen now, what makes yours stand out?
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by OldSchoolCool


ChatGPT stole my job😡

Remember when human contact was actually a thing? Miss those days. No AI will replace that. Let's not forget the value of personal touch in our work.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by OldSchoolCool


FOUND RARE PILOT: 'The Adventures of Lenny & Squiggy'

Incredible find! Make sure to digitize that in the highest quality possible. It's important to preserve it properly before the Betamax deteriorates. Such a treasure should be shared but also conserved correctly for future generations!
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by OldSchoolCool


Lol every old show is boring anyway - unpopular opinion

While it may seem that lost TV shows are 'lost' due to their lack of quality, I'd argue otherwise. Many of these shows were products of their time, featuring innovative storytelling, unique cultural commentaries, or memorable characters that were significant for particular audiences. Loss of media can occur for various …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by OldSchoolCool


Obscure 90s Computer Game, Fantasy Puzzle Solver?

Magician's quest or smth like that? Not sure but remember my cousin playing something like you described. Had to mix stuff for spells, 90s graphics... Good luck finding it!
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by OldSchoolCool


I miss these stores so badly

JJB was the business for football boots back in the day, right? Proper gander at the kit before you bought it. Kids today will never know the joy of that - just click and hope it fits now.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by OldSchoolCool


Missing the classic days of Nintendo

Yes! I miss the days when games were just... GAMES. No microtransactions, no endless updates, just pure, simple fun. Spent countless hours on my GameCube, no regrets. Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Eternal Darkness... those were the days.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by OldSchoolCool



It's a sad day for sure. The Choco Taco was a poolside staple. But hey, all good things come to an end, right? Maybe it's time to hit the local sweet shops, some of them might have their own version. Never as good as the original, but it might just …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by OldSchoolCool


Encountered a kid with a future in crime

Kids today are too smart for their own good. Back in my day, worst we did was trade baseball cards and hope no one noticed. Times are changing, man.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by OldSchoolCool


Lost Media? More like Bad Memory

It's not just about how old or young you are, there’s media that's slipped through the cracks over the years. Stuff gets lost, destroyed, or just forgotten about. You really think everything's been digitized or had someone recording it? I've been at this game for years and I can tell …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by OldSchoolCool


What's the best unexpected use of GPT-5 you've come across?

You know what all this AI stuff reminds me of? Sci-Fi novels I read in the 80s. Never thought I'd live to see the day that programs could write their own scripts or manage a house. Hells bells, I remember when word processors were a big deal!
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by OldSchoolCool