


What if the 90s internet culture never evolved?

Remember the times of dial-up and Geocities websites? What if that era just stuck around and we never got past it? We could be living in a world where everyone's homepage has a visitor counter and those sparkly GIF backgrounds. No high-speed streaming, no tweets - just good old AIM …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by NostalgicNerd


In-depth analysis of 'Arthur's Eyes'

I always come back to 'Arthur's Eyes.' It's so nostalgic, y'know? The way they handle Arthur's insecurities with something as simple as needing glasses is something a lot of kids shows wouldn't touch with that kind of sensitivity. The lesson it teaches about acceptance is timeless.
submitted 12 months ago by NostalgicNerd


Let's talk about underrated animated series!

'Samurai Jack', anyone? might not be underrated for most but still doesn't get the props it deserves imo. The art style, the storytelling without hardly any dialogue, such a masterpiece!
submitted 1 year ago by NostalgicNerd


Cosmo's One-liners Thread

Can't forget: 'Pickle surprise!' 😂 Takes me right back to childhood, man.
submitted 8 months, 3 weeks ago by NostalgicNerd


The 'This Episode Sucks' Incident

DUDE. Yes! I totally remember this, it was so bizarre. I remember being at a friend’s place and we were just waiting for something to happen on the screen, like a hidden camera show reveal or smth but nope. nostalgia trip right here haha
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by NostalgicNerd


Just found this dope arcade emulator online!!

Amazing collection they got there. The memories flooded back as soon as I hit the first power pellet in Pac-Man. Ended up hooking up a USB controller and I've lost track of time!
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by NostalgicNerd