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The Unrealised Script: 'Fleet of the Red Comet'

Hold on, folks. Unless we get substantial evidence of 'Fleet of the Red Comet' actually existing beyond anecdotal accounts, we shouldn't get too excited. As someone who's been burnt by wild goose chases before, I'd advise caution. However, I am curious about those pre-production sketches. How authentic are they? Do …
submitted 6 months, 1 week ago by NitpickNancy


Ever caught a YDKJ mistake?

They definitely goofed a few times! On a side note, remember that question about the tallest mountain? They said Everest, but it's actually Mauna Kea from base to peak. It's kinda pedantic, but us trivia nerds live for this stuff, amirite?
submitted 10 months ago by NitpickNancy