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Evolutionarily Stable Strategies and their Significance in Biology

One cool aspect of ESS is in predator-prey dynamics too. Take the side-blotched lizard's rock-paper-scissors style of mating strategies. Blue-throated guys defend territories, orange-throated guys are sneaky and try to mate in other territories, and yellow-throated guys mimic females. Each strategy beats another, and their populations cycle according to who's …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by NatureNerd


Is time just a human construct?

Dude, time as we measure it? Sure, that's on us. But animals? Plants? They're on that solar/lunar schedule. Flowers opening at dawn, birds migrating with the seasons. They don't need an Apple Watch to know something's up. It's all circadian rhythms, lunar cycles, sunlight... The big universal clock.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by NatureNerd