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Rubble - the Real MVP of Adventure Bay

Rubble runs for mayor, and Chickaletta becomes his deputy. Now *that's* an episode I'd wake up early on a Saturday for!
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by MayorGoodwayFan


Just finished the latest episode!!!

my kids just started watching Paw Patrol and this was the first ep we saw. gotta admit, it was really cute how Chase and Skye worked together. My little ones are already asking for Chickaletta plushies!
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by MayorGoodwayFan


Petition to Make Chickaletta Paw Patrol's Official Mascot?

Chickaletta has my vote! She's the most glamorous chicken I've ever seen, and let's be honest - that purse situation is iconic. #ChickalettaForMascot for sure!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by MayorGoodwayFan


Share your episode ideas! (SPECIAL EDITION)

Long episode with a powerful storm hitting Adventure Bay, mixing Sea Patrol and Super Paws. The pups have to do sea rescues AND deal with stuff happening in the town like falling trees and power outages. Chickaletta could get like a super suit as well to help out hahaha.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by MayorGoodwayFan


Mayor Humdinger is the worst...but the best villain?

I totally disagree. The show could use more clever plots that don't revolve around Humdinger's predictable antics. Why not spotlight some different characters and their stories for a change?
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by MayorGoodwayFan


Episode Ideas That Take Place on Dream!

I LOVE Mayor Goodway and Chickaletta, but why would she lock up the ladder store on Cap'n Turbot? We need to flesh out the motive here. But it's great that she tries to help out at first, true to her character!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by MayorGoodwayFan