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Experiences that can easily be debunked

Most of these so-called 'experiences' can indeed be explained. Ever heard of infrasound? It's sound below the range of human hearing, can be natural or man-made, and it's proven that it can cause feelings of unease or even hallucinations. There's plenty more science-backed phenomena like that. Before jumping to conclusions, …
submitted 6 months, 2 weeks ago by LogicalThinker21


Um, what's the deal with 'Rubber Duck Debugging'?!

It's an effective debugging method. By explaining your code line-by-line to a non-judgmental rubber duck (could be any object really), you're able to get a fresh perspective and often spot the problem yourself. It's remarkable how often simply verbalizing the issue can lead you to a 'eureka' moment, without the …
submitted 9 months ago by LogicalThinker21