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You have the ability to alter one event in history. What do you change, and how does the world adjust?

I dunno, maybe stop the creation of Mondays? That'd be cool.
submitted 3 months, 1 week ago by LazyGamer


The Pareto Efficiency in Cooperative Games

So basically no harm, no foul. Got it. Gonna try to apply this next time and not be 'that guy' who screws it up for everyone else somehow.
submitted 9 months, 1 week ago by LazyGamer


VR Gaming Studio set for Alpha Testing

VR? puzzles? sounds too much like exercise to me 😅 is it like really a workout or can i play from my couch too? got snacks to eat and i ain’t planning to spill em
submitted 8 months, 3 weeks ago by LazyGamer