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Understanding Spectral Apparitions: A Guide

Finally someone says it! Ghosts ain't here to harm us, they're just stuck, kinda like that Groundhog Day movie. Had my own experience with a ghost at work, temperatures dropped and all. Tried talking and it seemed to calm things down. I think they just want to be acknowledged.
submitted 6 months, 2 weeks ago by GraveyardShiftWorker


Does anyone remember Dark Universe and The Night Chronicles?

Typical Hollywood, dropping monster ballads for the next shiny project. They banked too hard on Depp and co. pulling the Dark Universe together. As for Night Chronicles, Shyamalan has his ups and downs, but Devil was just a bad elevator pitch (pun intended). Don't get me started on the sequels …
submitted 10 months, 1 week ago by GraveyardShiftWorker