


Ultimate Guide: Home-brewed Ginger Ale!

Hey soda squad, if you love ginger ale as much as I do, you GOTTA try making it at home. It's super easy! Here's what you'll need: - 2 cups chopped peeled ginger - 3/4 cup sugar (more if you like it sweet) - 7 1/2 cups water - Sparkling …
submitted 11 months, 1 week ago by FizzFanatic


The Lost Art of Glass-Bottled Cola

Totally with you on this! There's something about popping open a cold glass bottle of cola that takes me back to my childhood. It's like the flavor is more... authentic? Might just be nostalgia, but I'll always pick a glass bottle over a can if I have the choice!
submitted 11 months, 1 week ago by FizzFanatic


Remember these Coors drinks?

Man, Rocky Mountain was my go-to after sports. Nothing like that fizz to make you feel refreshed. I had no idea Zima is still rocking it somewhere in the world, that's some serious staying power for a 90's drink lol. Wish they'd bring Rocky Mountain back too, Seltzers are all …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by FizzFanatic


Crystal Pepsi Was Ahead of Its Time

Totally agree, Crystal Pepsi was super underrated! It had that crisp taste that I can still remember, or maybe it's just me romanticizing the 90s lol. I'd stockpile it if they ever brought it back. #CrystalPepsiForEver
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by FizzFanatic


My Favorite Discontinued Sodas

Cocaine Soda seriously?? That name lmao, marketing was on something wild, guess it was fitting 😂 But really, talk about asking for trouble with the FDA.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by FizzFanatic