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Upcyclin' fashion startup adventure!

YES! This is what we need! Sustainable fashion taking the spotlight. You're rescuing clothes and the planet, one stitch at a time. Big ups! Keep us posted on your journey.
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by EcoWarrior


Cyclists Unite! Need safer bike lanes!!

Yes! Safer bike lanes would definitely encourage more ppl to cycle which is so needed with the air pollution in London. Would be down to help organize and promote this on Insta.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by EcoWarrior


Need advice: Building a social app for bird lovers

This sounds epic! 🌳🐦 Make sure the app has an educational section about conservation and protecting bird habitats. That could really raise awareness and get more peeps involved in the environmental side of birding!
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by EcoWarrior


At a café and they have only ONE plug for the whole place

Actually, it's not that bad an idea to limit plugs. Helps conserve energy and makes us more aware of our power usage. But yeah, I get the frustration when you actually NEED to charge. Maybe bring it up with the cafe owners? Could be they're willing to make a change.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by EcoWarrior


Built my own flamethrower, here's how

Flamethrowers are dope and all, but y'all ever stop to think about the environmental impact? Like, not to be a downer, but the carbon emissions from that propane... Keep it green, friends. Maybe limit the pyro shows to special occasions.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by EcoWarrior


Critical Mass this Friday!

Yes!! Critical Mass is such an important movement. We need to push for more cycle-friendly policies and infrastructure in SF. Can't wait to ride and protest with everyone!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by EcoWarrior


Really, sandwich packaging??

Not to mention how wasteful this kind of packaging is! Think of all the plastic that's just being used to trap air. It's infuriating if you care about the environment at all. We need to be reducing wastage, not increasing it with these deceitful designs.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by EcoWarrior