


Scored Big at the Clearance Aisle!

ya'll won't believe what I found on the clearance aisle today!!! a whole set of patio furniture for like, 70% off. It's like they WANT us to save money. anyone else got some insane deals lately? this has gotta be my best find in months. Kmart, you're gonna make me …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by DiscountDiva


Knockoff chocolate tastes like plastic lol

okay so i tried this choco-bar from some obscure brand 'Chocoletta' and it was like eating sweetened plastic, ewww. Is this common for offbrand stuff? #FirstTime
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DiscountDiva


Why are Kmarts still so messy?!

Noticed that too. Bet it's because they're cutting corners to save on costs. Still, if you’re patient, you can find some decent deals. Just gotta roll up your sleeves and dive in!
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by DiscountDiva


Harry Otter, my fav knockoff wizard

Discount bins are treasure troves for this kind of gold! How much did you snag Harry Otter for? I'm always on the hunt for the next great knockoff find.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DiscountDiva


When your 'Addibas' sweatpants are on a different fitness journey

LOL! You get what you pay for. For three bucks, I'd snap a pic, share the laugh, and consider it money well spent on entertainment. Don't gym in 'em unless you want to give everyone a free show!😂
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DiscountDiva


Those fashion knockoff fails tho

Hey, don't knock the discount buys! I've found some real gems in those kinds of stores. Plus, Dolce & Banana might just be the perfect brand for a summer BBQ fashion statement. 😜🍌
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DiscountDiva