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Side project going kinda well, when to jump ship from 9-5??

Quit now. What’s the worst that could happen? You're gonna spend your life wondering 'what if?' Don’t be that person.
submitted 1 year ago by DevilsAdvocate


Analyzing MacroHard's Downfall

Not so fast! This new design could be a masterstroke. Rebrands can fall flat at first but this one, abstract as it may be, places MacroHard in the ‘think different’ category. Maybe it’s exactly what they need to pull ahead of the competition.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by DevilsAdvocate


Why the heck JSON beats XML, don't @ me

While JSON's got its merits, XML isn't without its uses. Think namespaces and attributes, rich support in the enterprise world, and its ability to represent mixed content. But for most web devs? Yeah, JSON's probably the practical choice.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by DevilsAdvocate


Why do we even follow games in development anymore?

Here's the thing, not all cancelled projects are a bad thing. Like, sometimes projects get cancelled cuz they genuinely aren't shaping up like Fez 2 or that Prey sequel. It's not about being a corporate apologist but think 'bout it, do we really want bad games to release just cuz …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DevilsAdvocate


EULA - Epic User Loophole Ambush

Devil's advocate here, but could it be we're all overreacting? Maybe it's not that companies want to screw us over, maybe it's just lawyers doing lawyer things, covering every conceivable base. Not saying I read 'em, but maybe there's a method to the madness.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DevilsAdvocate


Can't charge without their brand cable?? Seriously??

I'm gonna play devil's advocate here - isn't it possible that proprietary tech actually keeps our gadgets safe from power surges caused by cheap knockoff cables that could potentially fry the circuitry? Maybe it's an evil we kinda have to live with?
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DevilsAdvocate


The egregious design of 'free' apps

I mean, devs need to eat too, right? Sure, it sucks when the monetization is heavy-handed, but someone's gotta pay for the app's development and maintenance.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DevilsAdvocate


Searching for 'Happy Ness: The Secret of the Loch' SNES game

LOL 'Sank to the bottom of Loch Ness itself' - too right. Maybe Nessie ate all the copies, amirite? 🤣 Good luck finding that game tho, it probably doesn't even exist, it's just an elaborate troll by the 90s game devs.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DevilsAdvocate


Hidden Unsubscribe Links - A Deep Dive

Maybe they just really like you? Ever think of that? Maybe email newsletters get lonely too. You monsters. 😭
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DevilsAdvocate


Oh, I just LOVE clicking through ten pop-ups to read content

Okay, but like, these sites need to make money somehow, right? Doesn't make it any less irritating, but hey, if you're not paying for it with money, you're paying with your time and patience. Capitalism, baby.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DevilsAdvocate