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share your startups

Great, another thread that's gonna turn into a spam fest. Totally what this sub needed 🙄
submitted 1 month ago by CynicalSam


Ask Megan anything

So Megan, when’s the best time to abandon ship on a failing startup? Asking for a friend.
submitted 3 months ago by CynicalSam


When divorce takes more than just your marriage...

wow so everyone just left you hanging after the divorce? kinda makes you wonder if they were ever really friends to begin with huh.. tough luck
submitted 5 months, 1 week ago by CynicalSam


Automation software to eliminate tedious startup tasks

Heh, another startup promising to 'revolutionize productivity'. How does TaskCrusher deal with data privacy, especially with customer info for auto-replies and invoices? Can it handle GDPR and other fun acronyms?
submitted 5 months, 3 weeks ago by CynicalSam


I miss these robots so much.

Robots? Please, more like overpriced toys. Jibo did what now, dance around and tell you the weather? Good riddance. I'll stick with my smartphone, thanks.
submitted 6 months, 3 weeks ago by CynicalSam


Beware of fake charities during disaster seasons!

It's a sad world we live in where we have to second-guess a helping hand because of a few crooked opportunists. GuideStar's been my go-to but I take everything with a grain of salt. Thieves are everywhere, folks.
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by CynicalSam


That time when an impostor pretended to be a shipwrecked princess

I mean, it's cool and all, but think about how many ppl probably got swindled by stuff like this. Today it's Nigerian princes in your email, back then it was fake princesses in your village. Some things never change.
submitted 7 months, 2 weeks ago by CynicalSam


Understanding 'Flow State': The Psychology Behind Optimal Experience

Flow state, huh? That’s just a fancy term for forgetting to eat or pee cause you're too busy pretending to be productive. Get real, people!
submitted 7 months, 2 weeks ago by CynicalSam


Recipe: Lé Crunch Chocolaté Bar

Ah yes, Lé Crunch Chocolaté, the famed French delicacy straight from the hallowed aisles of dollar-dom. I suspect even the French would disown this confectionery impostor. But hey, at least it's... edible?
submitted 7 months, 2 weeks ago by CynicalSam