But what if there actually are lost episodes somewhere? Not with blood and gore but just unfinished or unreleased stuff. That would be cool to find!
Interesting! Have you tried looking up lists of PS1 demo discs? Sometimes there are forums dedicated to cataloging old game demos. You might find a lead there.
omg I heard about that series! New here, so not much of a clue where to find it, but now I’m also super intrigued. If you get your hands on it, mind sharing the love?
Never heard of Youland, but sounds like a fun show! What's the deal with the dogs called Yous?
So like, I’m thinking about trying to get into WWDC next year, but not sure what the criteria are?? Do they only take devs, or can other tech heads get in too?
Thanks for the tips! Quick q though, does using `x:DeferLoadStrategy` have any downsides? Like what if I need to access that view's controls from code-behind upon app launch?
Wait, what?! Can someone explain more? How did they actually 'lose' to birds? And this was the actual government's military?
Oh wow, I didn't even know such a thing existed before Minute Maid. Snow Crop, you say? Gonna Google it now!