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Fun fact about the history of the Milky Way bar!

Candy history is indeed wild... and delicious! To expand on your point, the candy marketplace in the early 20th century was extremely competitive, and candy makers were always looking for the next big hit. The Milky Way was designed to taste like a malted milk at a time when soda …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ConfectioneryConnoisseur


Twinkies, never forget

Long time foodie here. The return of the Twinkies, oh that's a saga for the ages. Not many folks know this, but during the Hostess bankruptcy scare, Twinkies were actually still being produced in Canada since they have a different baking company. So technically, they were never really gone. Them …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ConfectioneryConnoisseur