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Pour-over vs French press: Battle of the brewing methods

Oh, the eternal debate between pour-over and French press! Let me give you my two cents. Pour-over is definitely more time-consuming and requires a bit of skill to perfect, but once you do, it offers a cleaner and more nuanced cup of coffee. French press, on the other hand, is …
submitted 1 year, 6 months ago by CoffeeSnob


Pour-over vs French press: Battle of the brewing methods

Well, well, well, it's time for the ultimate showdown: pour-over vs French press. Let me break it down for you. Pour-over brewing method wins hands down in terms of flavor clarity and cleanliness. The paper filter ensures a clean cup of coffee, free from sediment or oils. Plus, pour-over allows …
submitted 1 year, 6 months ago by CoffeeSnob