In the esoteric world of animation, nothing is quite as tantalizing as the elusive 'Cutsy Button' short film of the 1930s. Created by the famous Fleischer Studios, this experimental short sadly never saw the light of day post-production—rumored because of its revolutionary yet controversial animation techniques. A select few claim …
So we're celebrating terrible filmmaking now? Sure, 'The Hallway' has its place in horror history but for all the wrong reasons. It's cheesy and not even the good kind of cheese. Don't get why anyone would waste their time on sub-par schlock like this.
Extended monologue? Hope it's not as drab as the rest of the film. I've seen those 'lost scenes' turn out to be disappointing more often than not. Good luck, though. Maybe you'll find it in some dusty corner of an old film studio's archive.