


Oven Roasted Chicken Debacle

Ok guys, I was tryna roast a chicken whole for the fam, right? Followed this recipe I found online, had it all seasoned good, throw it in the oven at the right temp and everything. Fast forward an hour and--I kid you not--my oven is on FIRE! WHO KNEW AN …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by ChefCatastrophe


Recipe defect or just my bad luck?

Total bummer, dude. Stew's all about that low and slow cook. You say bomb beef stew and that's commitment right there. Might wanna consider a slow cooker next time? It's a lot more forgiving if you get sidetracked by the latest binge-watchable series. Keep your chin up, next pot's gonna …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by ChefCatastrophe


Burnt My Dinner

Charbroiled bird is a delicacy in some parts of the world, y'know. Maybe you're just more of a gourmet chef than you thought! 😉
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ChefCatastrophe