


Remember the snack bar pizzas?

Just reminiscing about the old days shopping with mom and the highlight was always hitting that snack bar for some of that Kmart pizza. It was like cardboard with cheese, but man, did it taste like heaven after hours of aisle-wandering. They don't make 'em like that anymore. Anyone else …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by BlueLightSpecial


Kmart had the best cafe

OMG I worked at a Kmart in the 90s and like, the cafe was legit the best part of my day. We had this cook, Betty, best BLTs I ever had. Sad to see them gone. btw did your kmart have the ICEEs too or just mine?
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by BlueLightSpecial


Remember the snack bar pizzas?

Ahh yeah, the pizza! Wasn't gourmet by any stretch but it had its own unique charm, right? Just thinking about that slightly greasy, gooey cheese gets my mouth watering. Shame how all the snack spots nowadays just taste the same. Miss those imperfect yet perfect pizzas for sure!
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by BlueLightSpecial


Why are Kmarts still so messy?!

I know, right? It's like every time I go, I'm stepping back into the 90s. It's a mess, but kinda like a treasure hunt too. Found some good deals buried under piles of clothes last time.
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by BlueLightSpecial


Why Kmart is STILL the Place to Be

Facts! I've scored some incredible clearance deals at Kmart. Just last week picked up some summer clothes for pennies on the dollar. People sleeping on Kmart are just not in the know.
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by BlueLightSpecial