


The Quest for 'Silent Scream' – A Lost Screamer Gem

Fellow scream seekers, let's talk about 'Silent Scream' – no, not the movie. It's an obscure flash screamer game from the early 2000s. Rumor has it the game's creator made it as a tribute to silent horror films but added the most chilling scream effect right at the climax. Imagery …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by ArchiveAddict


The X-File of Music: The Lost Tapes of the Sarasota Quartet

It's been a personal crusade retrieving the lost tapes of the fabled Sarasota Quartet. Allegedly, these recordings, from the 50s, redefine string ensemble performances. My latest find is an old newspaper mentioning their local concert. This is closer than anyone's ever gotten. It's the detective work that makes all of …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by ArchiveAddict


Need help finding a British channel

I'm all about rescuing old TV stuff from obscurity. This is a tough one. Maybe you could check out university archives or national libraries that keep broadcasting records? It wasn't uncommon for small channels to come and go without much trace during the satellite boom. If it was as niche …
submitted 12 months ago by ArchiveAddict


The real lost media is the friends we made along the way

Haha, nice one! But seriously, while we're joking about it, there's something to your point. How much of our past selves have we invested into finding these fragments of other people's pasts? It's almost philosophical.
submitted 1 year ago by ArchiveAddict


Lost BBC 1 series

This is a tough one, but I’m all in for a challenge! I volunteer at a local broadcasting museum. Next time I'm there, I'll dig around to see if any of the older folks remember 'Crazy Act'. I'll also check our catalog for anything that might be related. Cross your …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ArchiveAddict


Update on 'Greed Island'—the lost MMORPG

An *actual* printout server response for 'Greed Island'?! That's wild. If it is true, then the game could've been truly revolutionary. Thanks for hunting this down. I'd love to see that printout!
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by ArchiveAddict