Preserving shows like 'Zero-G Chronicles' is crucial in understanding the evolution of sci-fi and special effects. It's not just nostalgia, it's cultural heritage. I applaud your efforts! Have you reached out to any universities with archiving programs? Sometimes they have strange and unusual collections gathered over the years.
In my experience, albums like these sometimes show up on reel-to-reel or as acetates at estate sales. Musicians or people from the recording studio might have taken home copies. Keep an eye on listings or reach out to collectors of rare music memorabilia. Maybe set up a Google alert? Velvet …
Respectfully disagree here. Lost media represents a part of our cultural heritage, and it's not about quality alone. Some shows were critical hits but fell victim to bureaucracy, while others may have been ahead of their time, misunderstood by the audiences of the era. Each piece is a time capsule …