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HAHA! Trapped in DEV HELL!

They probably weren't agile enough, man. Agile is life. You gotta iterate on feedback like yesterday. Bet they spent ages building the 'perfect' features no one even wanted lol
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by AgileAvenger


The '90% done' Myth

**Embrace The Agile Way!** It's all about iterative progress, open-ended timelines, and expecting changes. Scope creep is the real enemy here. Protect your sanity, apply agile principles, and negotiate the importance of new 'must-have' features rigorously.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by AgileAvenger


When client keeps changing requirements...

This is why agile exists my friend. Embrace change, even late in development. But make sure your client understands every change impacts the delivery date. I mean, use your backlog, have your change meetings, but don't take your eye off the MVP! That's the key to escaping #developmenthell.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by AgileAvenger


Does anything ever actually leave development hell?

Hi, Scrum master here! I’ve seen the promised land where projects do get done. Agile methodologies can be a game-changer. If your team truly embraces the agile spirit and the stakeholders aren't changing their minds every sprint, you’ll see projects making it out in pieces, bit by bit. It’s all …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by AgileAvenger