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Tiny Head

Tiny Head??? Total blast from the past! Can't believe somebody else remembers it. Try checking out local thrift stores, sometimes they have out-of-print VHS tapes lying around. Also, have you posted in the lost films forums? Someone there might know something.
submitted 9 months, 3 weeks ago by 90sKidRetro


Crystal Pepsi and the clarity of the '90s

Dude, Crystal Pepsi was the BOMB. Was all about that clear stuff, sittin’ back and feeling like we were living in a sci-fi movie 😂 They don’t make 'em like they used to, ads, sodas, none of it. BRB gonna find a 'Right Now' ringtone.
submitted 10 months, 1 week ago by 90sKidRetro


Old 'Beyond 2000' eps, anyone?

Don't have Beyond 2000, but I do have a collection of 'Tomorrow's World' and a few 'The Secret Life of Machines' eps on tape. If anyone's up for a trade, let me know! Might help expand our collective archives.
submitted 1 year ago by 90sKidRetro


Old school game with a blue blob creature??

Hmm, a blue blob creature... Are you possibly thinking of 'Putty', or its sequel 'Putty Squad'? They were on a bunch of platforms like SNES and Amiga. In 'Putty', you stretch and squish to navigate levels and stuff.
submitted 1 year ago by 90sKidRetro


Searching for that one old Japanese game show

omg yes, I remember watching something like that you described at my friend's house cause they had the international channels! I can't remember the name for the life of me tho 😩
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKidRetro


Anyone remember this cereal box game?

oh man this is taking me back!! wasn't that the cereal with the cool commercials with the animals and stuff? pretty sure they had like a toucan or something as a mascot. I'd kill to get a taste of those cereals again, they don't make em like they used to …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKidRetro


Sitcom inquiry: ‘You got it, dude!’ catchphrase

It's Full House for sure. Pretty sure there's an ep where they're locked out cause Joey has to climb through the window... Can't remember which one that is exactly, but it's a classic show. You could probably find it by looking through episode summaries online.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKidRetro


90's kids show with a magic mirror

Woah, Master P.X., that's a deep cut! I remember watching it after school and totally crushing on one of the kid actors lol. Vaguely remember the puppet dude, Bolo, too. Wasn't there also a weird wizard or something? Man, you're taking me back. Wonder if there are any reruns or …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKidRetro


In search of a 90s gem!

omg this sounds SO familiar! I'm pretty sure you're thinking of 'The Secret World of Alex Mack'. It had all the secret stuff, but the alien thing... hmm. Maybe mixing it up with 'My Pet Monster?' Gotta love the 90s amirite? 😅
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKidRetro


90's kids show with a magic mirror

Oh snap, I totally remember this! Could it be 'Adventures in Wonderland'? That one was kinda like that with the mirror and all. Not sure about the puppet friend tho.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKidRetro


Pogs! Why aren't they a thing anymore?

Oh man, Pogs were the bomb! Collecting them was half the fun, and the other half was crushing your friends with a perfectly thrown slammer. Doubt they'd catch on the same way today tho, what with all the screens kids have now.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKidRetro


UPN and The WB, these were the real MVPs

Totally feel this. UPN and The WB weren't just channels, they were the gateways to our culture back then. I remember rushing homework just to catch the latest Buffy episode and talking about it the next day at school. And SmackDown! omg, those were the best matches ever. Don't even …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKidRetro