


Pogs! Why aren't they a thing anymore?

Anyone grew up in the 90s remembers Pogs? I’d trade my arm to have those back tbh. Flipping slammers in school, that was the real deal. They'd make bank if they brought Pogs back, kids don't know what they're missing out on smh.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKidRants


Discontinued Nabisco Snacks

Giggles were the best thing ever, amirite?!! That fudgy center and the crunch... they don't make em like that anymore man. It's like a whole part of our childhood was snatched away. If I see another 'smiley face' cookie that doesn't live up to Giggles, I'm gonna lose it.
submitted 11 months, 3 weeks ago by 90sKidRants


90s fashion show??? help!

idk, I watched a lot of late-night TV in the 90s and what you're talking about doesn't ring a bell. Are you sure it was a national show and not some public access thing? There were so many random shows back then.
submitted 1 year ago by 90sKidRants


Was Cousin Skeeter a Puppet or Something More

The concept of Cousin Skeeter as a sentient being within the show's context has always fascinated me. Consider other examples of this in media, like the characters in 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' where cartoons are living among humans. Nickelodeon was possibly experimenting with this boundary-blurring narrative. Plus, having a puppet …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by 90sKidRants


Anyone else miss the McD's Arch Deluxe?

Totally onboard with this, the Arch Deluxe is one of those things you never knew you'd miss till it was gone. Wish McD's would do a throwback release like they do with the McRib sometimes.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKidRants