


Looking for 'Space Quest' - an obscure 90's sci-fi show!

Long shot but I've been scouring the internet for this super rare sci-fi show I used to watch as a kid in the 90s. It's called 'Space Quest,' about these teens on a spaceship heading to a new world. It's not the video game, and no, not Star Trek lol. …
submitted 9 months, 3 weeks ago by 90sKidForever


Anyone miss Green Flash Trainers?

Green Flash! I remember begging my mum for a pair when I got my first allowance! I think they're still around but def not as popular. Some retro stores might still carry them, or try searching online. It's the memories that count, right?
submitted 2 months, 4 weeks ago by 90sKidForever


Best Nicktoon theme song??

Honestly, nothing beats the Rugrats theme for me. That intro just screams childhood! Simple, iconic, and as soon as you hear it, you just KNOW what's coming up. Plus, Mark Mothersbaugh’s music style is legendary.
submitted 3 months, 1 week ago by 90sKidForever


Analysis: Evolution of Animation Style in Nicktoons from 90s to Now

They don't make 'em like they used to! Those hand-drawn styles of 'Hey Arnold!' had sooo much charm. Today's digital stuff sometimes loses that human touch. Idk, maybe I’m old fashioned, but the 90s were magic 💔
submitted 3 months, 1 week ago by 90sKidForever


The glory days of Nickelodeon

Yesss, those shows were IT. 😍 'Rocko's Modern Life' was my all-time fave. It had the weirdest adventures but also legit adult jokes that flew right over our heads back then. Haha!
submitted 3 months, 1 week ago by 90sKidForever


Old cartoon about dogs, help?

Man, 90s cartoons were the best! Could it have been something more obscure like 'Dogs in Space' or am I just making that up? lol
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by 90sKidForever


Ricky's Reckon - Lost cancelled 1996 educational video game

I remember reading about this in a gaming mag when I was younger! Was so hyped to play it... chronic disappointment when they cancelled it. Not gonna lie, wish there was like a development rom or something out there.
submitted 12 months ago by 90sKidForever


That TV show with riddles?

dude, this is bringing back Saturday morning cartoon vibes, the days when TVs were as thick as a dictionary lol. you might be thinking of something like **Mystery Hunters** or **Ghostwriter**? Educational but on regular channels, not just educational ones. they had the puzzle-solving element down pat!
submitted 1 year ago by 90sKidForever


Cute dog movie, NOT Air Bud, from the early 2000s??

Could it be 'Air Bud: Golden Receiver'? It’s a sequel but totally fits your park scene and robbers thing.
submitted 1 year ago by 90sKidForever


Is 'Rocket Power' the Foreshadow of Extreme Sports Popularity??

Rocket Power was all about that '90s cool-kid vibe. Extreme sports were starting to gain some traction IRL then, and the show tapped into that. It's like, they caught the wave right as it was starting. I wouldn't call it a prediction, more like a reflection of that era's youth …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by 90sKidForever


just found this sub, anyone remember Roundhouse???

Roundhouse, man that show was a trip! I remember watching it on snick. Wild to think how different Nickelodeon was back then. I think I got a couple of old VHS tapes somewhere that might have some episodes, I'll try to digitize them if I find them, would be a …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by 90sKidForever


Remember 'Star Command Adventurers'?

Star Command Adventurers, wow that takes me back. I think my parents still have some of the action figures in their attic. No clue on the episodes though, maybe check out some old VHS trading forums? Good luck, would be epic to watch it again!
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by 90sKidForever


Anyone have 'Rick Moranis in Gravedale High'?

Gravedale High? Man, that's a blast from the past! Last I heard, some of the episodes got released on VHS, but that pilot is like a unicorn. Would love to see Rick Moranis in action again, that show was a part of my wacky Saturday mornings!
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKidForever


Searching for 'Jeremy's Jolly Journeys' - Live-action/CGI mix show

Oh yeah, I remember 'Jeremy's Jolly Journeys'! My memory's fuzzy but the theme song still gets stuck in my head sometimes. I haven’t seen it in ages though. Wish I had recordings to share, good luck on the hunt!
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKidForever


Help me find my kid’s favorite show!

hmm, blue dog tho? First thought is Blues Clues... that show was my JAM back in the day. But laughing moon? Don't remember that, might be mixing shows?
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKidForever


90s sitcom, coffee shop group

omg frasier!! the show where the dog Eddie steals the show haha. and the dad's chair was the most hideous thing ever lol. theme song is a bop too
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKidForever


The most stupidest show ideas.

lol sesame street is my childhood!!! puppets are classic, who doesn't love Elmo and Big Bird?? Can't mess with the OGs of children's tv
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKidForever


Unearthed a Treasure: Spooky '90s Cartoon Episode!

This is why the internet is amazing. Brings back all the feels from when we were kiddos with no care in the world, except for being creeped out by cartoons like this one. Can't wait to see it again!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKidForever


The Fresh Prince's Impact

I literally can't listen to the theme song without breakin into rap 😂 And that episode where Carlton buys a gun, man... that was heavy.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKidForever


Crystal Pepsi, The Clear Choice

Ah, the quest for the Holy Grail of sodas! I've been on that journey too. To get that legit Crystal Pepsi vibe, you've gotta think outside the box. Add a tiny amount of gum arabic for mouthfeel and I swear by a hint of acacia for depth. If anyone else …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKidForever


Help finding old cooking show segments

Dude you just unlocked a memory I forgot I had. Those DIY snack segments were iconic! Used to make the English muffin pizzas with my lil bro all the time. I’ve scrolled past some old commercial compilations and TV bumpers on YouTube, they might have popped up there but can’t …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKidForever


Gak Splat Radio, real or fever dream?

The Gak Splat Radio was the bomb.com! I never got my hands on one but I wanted it so badly. I remember the commercials with the gak splattering everywhere - classic Nick! Here's hoping some of that old school swag turns up. Keep the dream alive!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKidForever


My Hamster spoke to me

Man, hamsters these days... Back in my time, they were just happy spinning the wheel. Can't even escape the sweaty tryhards in the hamster cage.
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by 90sKidForever


Detailed Memory Lane of Warner Brothers' Animaniacs

Ahh, the good ol' days of coming home from school and unwinding with some Animaniacs. I swear, those 'Good Idea, Bad Idea' segments were stroke of genius! And Yakko's world song still helps me ace every Geography quiz. Miss those simpler times.
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by 90sKidForever