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Looking for that one platformer game from the '90s

hmmm red cap but NOT mario, on PC... sounds like *Jazz Jackrabbit* to me, except the cap is green in that, oh well lol. That game was sick though, fast-paced and those tunes were catchy as heck
submitted 1 year ago by 90sKid4eva


Everything was better when we were kids

Yes! 100% with you. All the movies these days are just recycled ideas or reboots that never should've happened. They don't make 'em like The Sandlot or Space Jam anymore. And snacks? Please, there was nothing like ripping open a fresh pack of Gushers or having a Lunchable ready for …
submitted 11 months ago by 90sKid4eva


Anyone remember Crystal Pepsi training vid???

omg crystal pepsi lol! that brings back memories didn't know there was a tape tho 😂
submitted 9 months, 3 weeks ago by 90sKid4eva


Does anyone remember 'The Journey of Allen Strange'?

Oh man, totally remember that show. Used to watch it with my little bro all the time. Can't believe it's been so long since it aired. Maybe they'll put it on one of the streaming services??
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by 90sKid4eva


"Sonic the Hedgehog: Danger Zone"

dude that video was the highlight of my year! I watched it like 20 times, then boom, gone. Literal chills when they rocked that construction site. Sega's biggest prank was depriving us of that banger forever 😭
submitted 10 months, 1 week ago by 90sKid4eva


The Art of Older Dubs

Totally with you on the older dubs! There was something so raw and unpolished about them that just gave a whole different vibe from what we get now. Cowboy Bebop had that edge in the English VA that matched the aesthetic perfectly. These days, everything feels too... idk... streamlined?
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by 90sKid4eva


Sci-fi show with virtual reality trips, late 90s

omg that's gonna bug me now... i can like, picture the show in my head! didn't catch many eps but the VR looked so bad it was good, you know? dude with the moral compass... argh! lemme think on it 🤔
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKid4eva


The beep of a pager

Man, pagers were the bomb. Having to find a payphone added to the mystery lol. Like who's trying to reach me? And don't get me started on the codes. I remember 07734 which upside down kinda spelled 'hello'. Good times.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKid4eva


VHS Tapes - Superior to Streaming

VHS had soul, man. Streaming is convenient AF but it's like... too easy? I miss my VHS collection. Be kind, rewind!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKid4eva


Wendy's SuperBar - An all-you-can-eat dream!

No way, I've totally forgotten about the SuperBar! Back then, endless garlic bread was my jam. Now all we get is a measly side order. Wendy's really did us dirty phasing it out. :/
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKid4eva


The Vanishing Act of Josta Soda

Josta was the bomb, that's a childhood in a can right there 😭 Nothing's ever come close since it disappeared. It's like Surge, Crystal Pepsi, and all the other good stuff from back in the day - gone before you realize you're addicted to it!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKid4eva


Remembering the 'golden era' of Trouble TV

Ahhh, the good old days. Used to rush home from school just to catch a bit of Fresh Prince before dinner. No channel today really fills the void that Trouble TV left 😢
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by 90sKid4eva