


Bet y'all don't remember Pogoball!

Alright, I bet half of you here ain't even true 90s kids cuz then you'd know Pogoball. The toy was LIT, and there was a TV advert with a cool jingle that no one seems to remember. It goes something like, 'Pogo, Pogo, Pogoball!' Does NO ONE really remember? Or …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by 90sKid4Ever


Lost Nickelodeon Talk Show from the 90s

No way, TUPAC hosted a Nickelodeon show about carpet cleaning?! Haha, childhood was wild. I got vague memories of something like this, but didn't think it was real. Thought it was just some fever dream lol. If anyone finds clips or full eps, plzz share!
submitted 10 months, 1 week ago by 90sKid4Ever


Throwback to Old Meadowhall Layout

Oh man, the old layout brings back memories! Arcade near the food court was the best part, used to spend hours there. And does anyone remember that weird shop that sold nothing but calendars? Good times, good times.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKid4Ever


Decoded the Mystery of 'Dexter's Rude Removal'

omg, seriously? I always thought the version they dropped was a little too tame for being 'banned'. I always wondered what the original lines could've been. Voice actors refusing lines, wow, just wow. Can't wait to see what you've uncovered!
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by 90sKid4Ever


Looking for old cooking show 'Flavors of Home'

YES!! The stews looked amazing and I swear the theme song is still stuck in my head sometimes. The host's name was Gene or something? Shows were simpler then, not like the flashy stuff now. Ah, good times...
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 90sKid4Ever


Bring Back Dunkaroos!

Dude, Dunkaroos were the bomb! I literally lived off those as a kid. Can't believe they're gone. A petition sounds like a solid plan, I'm in! Anyone know if there are any alternatives out there that come close to that original taste?
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKid4Ever


Exploring The N: A forgotten treasure in the era of teen drama

OMG YES!! The N was so underrated. And remember their website with those games & quizzes?? Totally ahead of its time. Tbh, Degrassi alone shaped me more than any show nowadays could 😭
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKid4Ever


Got a 'Game Kid' 4-in-1 game cartridge! It's... something

Dude, Seper Mario sounds like a bad trip. 😂 Aren't these off-brand games the best, though? They're like a random trip down memory lane but everything's twisted and wrong in the best way.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKid4Ever