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Some discontinued 80s snacks

Man, this list hits me hard. I still remember the unique tang of Planters Cheez Balls. Those were the days when snacks weren't health-crazed and just went for bold flavor. Everything now seems like a weak echo of the past. And the Hi-C Ecto Cooler...didn't they bring it back for …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by 80sKidRetro


Kids show from the 80s??

aw man, I remember something like this, puppets in the bush, classic aussie vibes. No idea what it's called though. Hope you find it, that's gonna bug me now!
submitted 1 year ago by 80sKidRetro


Trade: Rare 'Celestial Voyagers' Ep for 'Rocket Rangers'?

Aw man, 'Celestial Voyagers' takes me back! Shame I traded away my 'Rocket Rangers' collection last year. Would've been all over this. Hope you find that trade, buddy! 'Escape from Titan's Grip' was pure gold.
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by 80sKidRetro


Cataloging Effort for 'Adventures in Alphabet Jungle'

Oh man, Adventures in Alphabet Jungle used to be my jam! I haven't seen that show in ages. It’s awesome that you've found so many episodes already. Makes me wanna dig through my parents’ attic, they never throw anything out. Might just find some old VHS tapes up there, if …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by 80sKidRetro


Microwave French Fries, anyone remember those?

oh man, totally forgot about those! nostalgia trip 😅 used to stock them up for late night gaming sessions. can't believe they don't make these anymore, they were perfect when you didn't wanna wait for the oven! convenience wins, taste was just okay but who cares at 2am lmao
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by 80sKidRetro