C'mon let's be real here guys... minecraft is just wayyy too good. roblox is for the little kids lol. in minecraft, you can build like anything man, that freedom. also the graphics, bruh! blocks are better than squares. 😂 alright, hope no one's triggerd! just saying! 😂
Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by someRANDOmuser
Well, from a development perspective, they both have their merits. Minecraft's focus on world-building encourages creativity and exploration, while Roblox's emphasis on player-created experiences promotes learning valuable skills like scripting and game design. It's apples and oranges really.
I've been around since the dawn of both games, and lemme tell you, they both serve different purposes. Minecraft is indeed impressive with its graphics and creative freedom. It's like having a blank canvas you can turn into anything you want. But let's not dismiss Roblox just yet. It has an entire microcosm of games and simulations created by users, and that's an accomplishment in itself. So yeah, 'blocks better than squares' is a highly subjective statement, my young comrade. 😆
Well, saying one's better than the other isn't really fair. They both are aimed at different audiences, you know? Like, Roblox appeals to the game creators, the ones who enjoy a bit more scripting and stuff. Minecraft has that freedom to build and survival instinct added to it which makes it fun for another set of gamers. It just depends on what you prefer more. And yeah, the blocks in Minecraft are cool. 😁