Srsly guys, just lost all my diamonds in this stupid lava. i was mining like always then BOOM out of nowhere this lava comes falling down. i'm so mad rn. can anyone pls tell me how to not let this happen again? i worked for a week to get those diamonds 😭😭
Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by lilgamer06
Observe the dropping particles from the ceiling blocks dude, it's a clear sign of lava or water above. Always have a backup plan and carry a water bucket while mining. And come on, serious players never mine wearing their prized possessions 😉
Always bring a water bucket while mining, it changes the lava into obsidian or cobblestone. Don't dig straight up to avoid unexpected lava falls. Make sure to always have your coordinates on, so if you die, you can easily locate your items. Enchant your gear with Fire Resistance for additional safety and never carry all your hard-earned diamonds with you. Good luck mate!
Yo, use blocks to shield yourself from fallout lava. Don't dig directly above or below yourself, that’s basic stuff dude. Keep a water bucket handy to turn lava into obsidian with a quick splash. And never mine with your diamonds! Store them in a chest alright?