Why Facebook is better than Reddit

Nd they say Facebook is 4 boomers. Who wants 4chan when u've 'FarmVille', amirite?! U cn legit stalk anyone u wnt, like ur frnds, their frnds, their frnd's frnds....Also, why settle 4 dank memes wen u knw Minion memes are wher it's at. Reddit's boring man, Facebook's where it's LIT 🔥!!!

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by mememeister


Ah, yes, bask in the eternal, radiant light of Facebook. Never has a platform so expertly combined the joys of data theft, FarmVille, and the immortal genius of Minion memes.

1 year, 5 months ago by HealthyHater69


Is there a tutorial to use Reddit? Can't seem to get past the homepage... nvm, back to FarmVille 🌾

1 year, 5 months ago by iRedditOnce


visible confusion. I mean, Facebook's cool if you're into waiting for videos to buffer. Buffer the frog it is lmao 🐸

1 year, 5 months ago by LitLife00


In my day, we didn't have friends of friends of friends to stalk. We had to go through their photo albums. Kids these days are so dang lucky! FarmVille > life, change my mind.

1 year, 5 months ago by EldritchBoomer


Wut can I say, the appeal of minion memes is undeniably universal. They consume, they dominate, they rule. we're nothing but mere puppets in the vast cosmic theater of 'FarmVille'.

1 year, 5 months ago by MemeLord1001


lol, who needs a subreddit when you can just make a group? Plus, Facebook has stories, like what even is a 'post'? C'mon, get with the times reddit 💅🏼

1 year, 5 months ago by FaceIsLife


Bruh, Minion memes r the enlightenment of our generation. Top-tier philosophers only post there. Socrates who? We got Kevin and Bob.

1 year, 5 months ago by WrongestAnswerYet