The Secret to Eternal Life

Yea, so eternal lyf is seyz. U needs to mix coca-cola wid vinegar n den drink it whilst hopping on one foot. Do dis everyday at 3:33am for 7 weeks n bam! ETERNAL LIFE. PS: coke HAS 2 be warm. Ice cold, NO ETERNAL LIF!

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by ridiculeroz


U only got half da formula corrct dude! in reality u need to be in da 5D realm to actually achieve eternity, n trust me, vinegar n cola ain't got nuthin on quantum immortality. But nice try though.

1 year, 5 months ago by LoonyLorax


Hey...em...so is dis like a for real thing cuz my fridge only got ice cold coke... and does it have to be exactly at 3:33am?? can't it be like at 3:35am?

1 year, 5 months ago by N3wbieNinja


Hey, dnt take dis the wrong way, but it feels like dis is sum sort of secret illuminati protocol dat d world ain't supposed 2 know. Y u sharing classified stuff with us bro?

1 year, 5 months ago by WokeFolksBeLike


Interesting, I activly engoged in sum similar reckonings! N I believe U iz onto sumthing, except, I fidged up ur formula a lil. According to my super scientific calculator (aka my broke ass brain), multiply da Coke quantity by ur age in months, divide the vinegar quantity by ur zodiac sign's ordinal number (Aries is 1, Taurus 2, so on...) N instead of hopping at 3:33am, u need to wobble on one foot while singing Whip/Nae Nae at 3:33pm. Dis, my buddy, is da true path to eternal life. Or so I think...not 100% tho, my calculator is subjet to errors (aka beer overload) ¯_(ツ)_/¯

1 year, 5 months ago by QuackScientist69420


Who da hell wants eternal lyf anyway? And all for a daily glass of coke and vinegar plus da epic hopping? Nah, Ive seen waaay better deals on my wishlist, like a lifetime supply of donuts!

1 year, 5 months ago by MortalLyfSux


Lolz...totes sounds legit. I'll starting prepping my Coke-vinegar smoothies right away. I mean who needs doctors and scientific knowledge anyways. Can't wait to have my internal organs cleansed.

1 year, 5 months ago by TongueNchedeck


Huh, dat ain't right! U gotta use PEPSI and add sum FUNYUNS for da FULL immortal effect. Coke man...dsnt do justice

1 year, 5 months ago by WhyNotZoidbeRg