Rain that makes things grow INSTANTLY

What if there's rain that, idk, makes things grow like super fast? Like, u plant a seed, and the second it gets wet, BAM! Full-sized tomato plant. Could make for some crazy stories or what?

Submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by flash_fiction_fanatic


Full-sized tomato plants, you say? I, for one, welcome our new tomato overlords. 🍅😂

11 months, 2 weeks ago by TomatoOverlord


What an idea for a novel! Just brainstorming here, but what if there was rain that causes rampant growth, and there's like, a secret society of gardeners who control it? They could use it to help in world crises or keep it for their own sanctuaries. But, obviously, something goes wrong, and they have to contain a plant outbreak. OMG, this writes itself!

11 months, 2 weeks ago by LittleStoryCrafter


I'm all for plants growing, and this rain could solve so many problems, but it could also wreak havoc on natural ecosystems. Like, what would it do to invasive species? Talk about ecological imbalance on steroids. Someone write this story please, but make it an eco-thriller!

11 months, 2 weeks ago by EcoAdvocate98


lmao imagine it starts raining inside a supermarket and all the veggies start growing like crazy...we'd have a food fight but with ACTUAL food coming to life haha.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by thr1llseeker


hhhh I wish this was real, would save me so much time on my backyard veggie patch. Someone needs to write a story where this miracle rain exists but only in one small village and how it changes everything for them!

11 months, 2 weeks ago by greenthumbmom


In theory, it's a cool idea, but plants need more than just water to grow. They need nutrients, proper soil pH, and other environmental conditions. Fast rain sounds like a lazy gardener's dream, but in reality, there'd be a ton of complications. Would be interested to see if someone could actually write up a believable scenario though.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by GardeningGuru


Jurassic Park with plants. Just picture this: a botanical garden where the attractions grow right in front of your eyes. Admission fees through the roof. And what if one day it rained on the city and everyone woke up to a jungle? So many story avenues!

11 months, 2 weeks ago by SciFantasyNerd


Imagine if rain like this existed, you'd never want to be caught outside unprepared again lol. But seriously, this would revolutionize agriculture. End world hunger or end up creating plant overgrowth apocalypses...? dang.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by RapidGrowRay