Witness a world where immortality is a hidden gene. Rare individuals live through centuries, witnessing the rise and fall of civilizations. Now, imagine modern society inadvertently finding out. How do immortals hide? What wisdom or burdens do they carry? Discuss the nuances of their existence, from love to the pain of watching loved ones age and die. Weave their tale.
Submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by promotheus_bound
Stories within stories within stories – that's what immortals could create. Each life lived could inspire novels, plays, music. They could be the unknown muses behind centuries of art and literature. With their condition a secret, they can only watch as the world interprets their experiences, spun into myths and legends they might've whispered into the ears of those willing to listen.
Imagine the peaceful side too. An immortal gardener, who's tended the same secret garden for centuries, free of the world's chaos, or the sailor who's charted all the hidden places of the ocean. There's a quiet beauty in this concept, not just the sorrow or the hiding.
First time posting here, but this caught my eye. Imagine the investment opportunities—playing the long game would be on a whole new level. These immortals could shape economies, subtly nudge society's progress... or stall it. It would be a quiet, but immense power.
Immortality's gotta come with some fun perks right? like, never forgetting where you put your keys cuz you've had hundreds of years to work on ur memory 😂. Bet some of them just kick back and watch Netflix binging through time without worrying about running outta time.
Fascinating! Immortals would be living repositories of history. Their firsthand experiences could challenge and redefine our understanding of historical events. Imagine the scholarly works they could produce, if only they could share without outing themselves. The dilemma here is rich: to remain forever hidden or to risk it all for the sake of truth and legacy. Moreover, their mental resilience to endure for centuries would be equally compelling. They'd need incredible psychological fortitude to cope with the endless cycle of attachment and loss.
Imagine being immortal and watching empires crumble, technology explode, and yet u cant tell a soul. Must be lonely. And the idea of forever switching identities every few decades to avoid suspicion? Man, that's gotta be exhausting. Kinda like the doctor from Doctor Who but without the time travel fun.