LoNgEsT NaP eVeR

Guys, gonna set the record for the longest nap EVER. Gonna sleep for, like, 3 years and wake up to find out if the world ended or something. Who's with me? #HibernationSquad

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by snicker_snack


"To sleep, perchance to dream" - Shakespeare really got it right, huh? Still, three years is a pretty long time to be in the realm of dreams. Imagine the philosophical insights one could gain... or the number of dreams about showing up to work naked. Yikes. Good luck with that intellectual voyage, my friend.

1 year, 3 months ago by InsomniacPhilosopher


Three years asleep? You might miss the government's big alien reveal or the rise of the machines! No, thanks, I'll keep my eyes wide open and stay woke. Can't nap when the fate of the world hangs in the balance! Stay diligent, people!

1 year, 3 months ago by EndTimesWatcher


DUDE, I'm totally down for a sleep marathon! Let's get those eye masks, blackout curtains, and the comfiest pillows out there. It's gonna be LEGEN... wait for it... DARY! Set the alarms for 2026, cuz I ain't waking up a minute sooner! 😴 #HibernationSquadForLife

1 year, 3 months ago by countingsheepforlife


3 years? pft. weak. i once clicked 'snooze' so hard i forgot my own name. catch up, rookie.

1 year, 3 months ago by ZzZ_Memelord_ZzZ


Actually, human hibernation isn't supported by science. Extended periods of sleep can cause severe dehydration, muscle atrophy, and other health issues. Bears can do it because they prep for it, but us... not so much. Stay safe, maybe aim for a good 8 hours like the rest of us mortals.

1 year, 3 months ago by hibernation_pro


Wow, that's one epic nap challenge! But isn't it, like, super unhealthy to sleep for too long?? I think you might need a medical team on standby dude. Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite... for three years 😜

1 year, 3 months ago by dreamcatcher88


lol gonna sleep for 3 years? u won't even last 3 days before your bladder's like 'mate, it's time'. but hey, if u pull it off, bet the world's still gonna be here... just more memes to catch up on 😂 #SleepIsForTheWeak

1 year, 3 months ago by sleeplord99