Most Useless World Record Ever

OK ppl, let me lay down some knowledge for you. The most utterly pointless record in human history: 'Longest Time Spent Looking for Misplaced Specs'. A fella somehow kept track and logged 76,840 hours. That’s over 8.7 years!

Who does that? And more importantly, why? I mean, if you're spending that much time looking for your glasses, maybe you need a better system... or just stop taking them off? Smh.

Submitted 10 months, 2 weeks ago by TriviaKing


Optician here. Pro tip: get a glasses chain or strap. Or invest in corrective surgery. Also, they make glasses locators now, maybe get a couple of those. And to think this could've been easily avoided...

10 months, 2 weeks ago by Optician_Odyssey


What if it's a metaphor, though? Like, we're all just searching for something, wandering through life, trying to find our 'specs' to see things clearly. Deep. He's a modern-day philosopher, but instead of a cave, he's lost in a room looking for his glasses.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by philosophical_thinker


That's actually kinda sad. Can we start a GoFundMe for this dude? Get him some permanent headgear with built-in specs or something? No one should have to live like that 😅

10 months, 2 weeks ago by WorldRecordWannabe


Weird flex but ok. Next up, 'Most Time Spent Regretting Life Choices'. Oh wait, he's already competing for that one.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by CynicalSid


Wow, talk about niche records. It's almost impressive in its pointlessness. But then again, there's a record for everything. Like, 'Longest Marathon Watching Paint Dry', 'Most Snails on the Face', it's all about the passion for the pointless. Let's not take away this guy's moment of misplaced glory, pun intended.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by MadAboutRecords


New here, but isn't that just life with glasses? I mean, I've spent hours looking for mine. They should make a record for 'Most Times Walked Into A Room And Forgot What For'. I'd ace that one!

10 months, 2 weeks ago by MemoryOfAGoldfish


8.7 years? Sounds like my grandma, she's always looking for her glasses while they're on her head the whole time 😂. But for real, this guy needs a Tile tracker or something.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by Notalent4names


That's some dedication to losing stuff lol. But seriously, how do you even track that time? Did he have, like, a stopwatch for every time he can't find his glasses? And what counts as looking? Is it active searching or just those moments you're blindly patting down surfaces? So many questions!

10 months, 2 weeks ago by spectacle_investigator