Just found out about the record for the dirtiest house in the world and I'm... 🤢 I mean, I know I'm a lazy bum, but 245 tons of garbage?!?!? Dude, get a bin!
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by EstrangedCouchPotato
Professional organizer here. Yes, it's shocking, but cases like these are often linked to severe mental health problems like depression, anxiety, PTSD or OCD. Hoarding is much more than just being too lazy to take out the trash. It's a compulsive behavior and people affected by it need our help and understanding, not ridicule.
I think it's worth mentioning that the term 'dirtiest' is subjective. While 245 tons is a lot, other candidates for this 'title' could have less garbage but more hazardous materials, or dangerously unhygienic living conditions. Also it's important to remember that hoarding has deep psychological roots and is often symtomatic of untreated mental health issues.
This is so wrong... not just for the humans living there but for the local wildlife too. Do you know how many pests accumulate in this much waste? It's a breeding ground for diseases. We should think about the impact on all creatures great and small.
As someone who works in sanitation, I can tell ya, that's nothin'. Some people either just don't care or they got something not right in the head, you know? Can't tell ya how many houses we've had to clean that look like absolute junkyards. It's a shame, really.