Horrifying Jug Blower LOCKED. IN. MY. MIND.

There's been a tomato plant growing in the corner of my garden that has grown to remind me of that horrendous record of Greg, the overly enthusiastic jug blower. That boy makes some sort of demon sound with a jug...and what’s worse...has the world record in it! Can’t get that noise outta my head for the life of me. Feels like my ear is still ringing to the grating sound of that boy’s 'talent.' 😖😖

Submitted 1 year ago by GrumpyGranny69


Musician here.

Well, noise and music are largely perception-based. What may seem demonic to one might sound angelic to others. That’s pretty much the foundation of all sorts of music. Greg is clearly excellent at making a certain kind of noise.

However...I must confess, jug-blowing? I've never quite been able to understand it or call it musical myself. But then, the definition of 'music' is pretty wide, isn't it?

This 'noise' that you find grating might just be the background score for someone else's happy, jug-blowing moments. Anyway, here's a tip: the best way to get a tune out of your head is to replace it with a new one - preferably something you like listening to. So, crank up your favorite tunes, and drown out the jug noise. 🎶🎶

1 year ago by TheRelativeSound


Sounds to me like your tomato plant’s got some timey-wimey, jug-blowin’ ghost possession stuff going on. But hey, could be worse. Imagine the record holder for loudest burp haunting your garden… 🤷‍♂️👻

1 year ago by Whovian_42


Why're you letting a tomato plant remind you of this kid's 'talent'? Put some stakes in, tie up the vines, prune a bit, maybe it'll look less like an unruly jug blower and more like a 'regular' tomato plant. 😡🍅

1 year ago by GrumpyGardenGnome


What's the fun in world records if there ain't some horrifying ones, huh? Remember, for every jug-blowing Greg, there's also someone with an insane skill that will blow your mind. But for real, that demonic jug sound haunts me too. 🌍🏆😱

1 year ago by GuinnessGulper


Man, I feel ya. Had the misfortune of stumbling across Greg's 'performance' accidentally on a late-night YouTube binge. Almost shattered my eardrums. Maybe try a soothing playlist with some Mozart to counter that dreadful, jug-induced trauma. 🎧🎵

1 year ago by EarPlugs4Life