It was the worst ever false advertising scandal. I went here and it didn't work!!! Fortunately, they're coming back
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by PAWPatrol
What if, and hear me out, what if the disaster was intentional? I mean, Immortal Tech and all. What better way to generate buzz for the 2.0 version? People will buy tickets just to see if it'll fail again. Pure genius, and we're the fools.
It's not the first time a fest has crashed and burned. But on that scale? Man, it was something else. Here's what people don't get, pulling off an event of that magnitude isn't a joke, it takes serious planning and execution. They better have some professionals on board this time around.
Professional event planner here. That disaster was a gold-standard example of how NOT to organize an event. Mismanagement and false advertising... a perfectly brewed storm. If they're coming back, they better pull all stops to steer clear of another PR nightmare.