The Great Soup Disaster of '23

So I sit down at Soup's On and ordered their famous clam chowder. More like clam chow-disaster! One spoonful and I knew something was off. It tasted like the seaside, but not the nice sandy part, more like the part where all the fish get beached and go to die. Seriously, how hard is it to make soup!?

Submitted 10 months, 2 weeks ago by NoSoup4U


And this, folks, is why I steer clear of seafood soups. You just never know what you're gonna get. Have you ever tried a butternut squash bisque? Now that's where it's at!

10 months, 2 weeks ago by VeggieMight


Oh no, not Soup's On! I heard from a buddy that their chef changed recently and everything went downhill after that. This was supposed to be the best clam chowder for miles – creamy, thick, chock full of tasty, fresh clams... What a bummer. 😩

10 months, 2 weeks ago by DaRealFoodie313


Maybe the chef is some kind of misunderstood genius, and you just don't appreciate the avant-garde, post-modern soup aesthetic 😆

10 months, 2 weeks ago by TrollinStone45


lol wow, that's a new one. I love the beach and even I would pass on a soup that tastes like low tide. 😂

10 months, 2 weeks ago by SeasideSarah


Ugh, sounds like Soup's On should be Soup's Off the menu. Can't stand places that massacre my favorite dishes like that.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by ChefHatesSoup


Tasted bad, huh? Yeah, went there once, never again. Just give me a can of good ol' fashioned tomato soup and I'll fix up something way better at home!

10 months, 2 weeks ago by SimpleEatsSteve


This is an abomination to the culinary art of soups! A proper clam chowder should have that creamy consistency, with a flavor that complements the clams, not overpowers them with the essence of a rotting oceanic carcass. I've been a purveyor of soups at fine dining establishments for years, and it infuriates me how some establishments can't differentiate a fresh clam from a decomposed one. It's downright disrespectful to soup connoisseurs everywhere.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by GourmandGuru


Oh man, you got chow-duh-wronged! I can't believe some places just can't keep their soups straight. I had a supposed 'bisque' the other day that was more like a murky puddle soup. It shouldn't be that hard to not make soup taste like a tidal wave of sadness 🤢.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by ClammySituation